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Monday 7 February 2011

decisions, decisions!!

Earlier today I recieved an email from a colleague about a vacancy they had seen at a childrens charity. The job advertised seems right up my street, decent salary(more than I am on now, significantly more!), interesting role and totally doable. I looked it up and thought about applying.

Later this afternoon, I was working at my PC and 2 of my team came in and started talking about an assessment they had just done. They were full of enthusiasm, compassion, empathy, soloutions, speaking of injustice and advocating for the service user.

As I sat there, the application for the other job drifted into my mind - I caught up with myself and realised that I don't want to work anywhere else!! I want to come into Val Roberts House and see the people I see, work with  my very committed team, fight for the rights of the people we support, help change a system that isn't going to provide and stay put.

You see an extra six, seven grand would be quite nice, even a change could be quite nice, but I love going to work, I love it when our team stops a teenage parent being evicted, I love it when a 17 year old parent who thinks they can't go back to college to get some qualifications - does exactly that, when parents with their children on the child protection register go to a meeting and due to their hard work and perseverance their children are taken off the list, when one of Frameworks service users sits on a recruitment panel to employ a new worker - i love those things.

After 7 years of seeing people survive and resist their demons, I am staying put, going nowhere and striving forward.

Its a sad fact that there will always be disadvantaged and vulnerable people but the great thing is, is I am with them.

Are you?


@PokerFiend said...

You're example was very powerful Sara. The fate of many vulnerable people is thrown into question. The policy of just removing support without any impact assessments or risk evaluation is pretty much political vandalism.

Pedro said...

I know the feeling. I took a 6K decrease in wages 3 year ago coming from the NHS to FHA. I believe in Framework and want to see it progress even in these hard times. x