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Thursday 31 March 2011

Marching for the alternative.

On Saturday 26/03/11 a monumental resistance to the cuts that are facing the UK occurred. Contrary to media coverage of the protest in London, which reported a quarter of a million people marching, closer to 3/4 million people marched, they marched in protest against the wide spread, ripping cuts that are going to tear into the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged people across the UK.

Reports from the media have emphasised the violence and destruction that a minority of people caused. The number of arrests was minmal . I do not condone the violence. I oppose it.

I would like to share my perception of the march with you.

I arrived on Maid Marian Way on Saturday morning at 6:15, I was shocked at the mass of people who were also travelling from Nottingham to London. The journey there was electric, adrenalin running high and people really getting in the mood to express themselves peacefully. 
When we arrived, the atmosphere in London was strange, police everywhere and any way we turned there was a banner of some kind floating through London on the way to The Embankment. I joined my friends and their children and started our journey.
On my shoulders I had a six year old, who had brought her gazoo with her to make some noise, she collected every badge, sticker, banner, leaflet aong the way that she could carry, and kept them for as long she could carry them. She asked me "why are we here?" I stopped for a minute and thought, how do I go about explaining all of this to a six year old, as militant as she is?  I didn't know where to start, I just said  we were to make some noise so the Prime Minister might change his mind about the rules he was making. She was happy with that, blew a raspberry with her gazoo and starting shouting "build a bonfire...." with the rest of the crowd.
Why did we march? what is the alternative? What difference did the march make?
For me the march did a number of things, it gave me a sense of unity with my fellow humans, it gave me a sense of pride that I was surrounded by people, all ages, all cultures, all races and all classes who were there to say no to the cuts.  Who were there say "not in my name ConDem". There to protect the livlihoods and lives of everyday people.
I am overwhelmed at the movement that occurred on 26/03/11 and I am proud of all that took part, and I hope when that six year old is 17/18 and she remembers going to the march, she will be proud of what she helped to achieve. Things are going to change. They simply have to.

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