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Saturday 5 February 2011

I am struggling with that.

I have just learned that the Barclays boss is due to recieve a £9 million pound bonus. How can the government justify that happening?

I have always struggled with the fact that money is more valuable than people, that crimes against property are more heavily penalised than crimes against a person.

How can the bank boss in question live with himself?

How can he accept such a sum, surely he is aware of what is happening in the world around him.

Maybe I am being too Nottscentric but surely he can see the cuts that have been made to other Northern cities, like Liverpool.

And it  is to be remembered that that is just one bank boss - there are many more.

I wonder what the total amount of money paid out in bonuses is?

Does anyone know?


@PokerFiend said...


The Royal Bank of Scotland is rolling out 1 billion in bonuses and Barclays 5 - 6 billion..

It stinks. But it's more about the system than the bankers themselves. For what it's worth, I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of capitalism as the predominant economic model. Cracks in the system and widespread disatisfaction spell the end of rampant capitalism. It might take another 30 years though!

In the mean time we have to highlight the human stories. Rabid Capitalism has no real defence against what really matters in this world.. People..

Sara Bull said...

Thanks for your comment Pokerfiend.

You said it.