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Thursday 3 February 2011

starting my new role as a social media ambassader

Imagine, me Sara Bull - an ambassader for social media. Doesn't that include using those strange things with plugs??? What are they called? Oh yes computers!!

When I was invited to the training I had to consider very carefully what use a IT no- can- do could be to Framework HA in this role.

So I present myself to you not as a computer literate person but as an individual who believes strongly in the rights of individuals, who strives for equality for the disadvantaged and who wants to make a difference in the world she lives.
I hope I can do that, I hope you will join me and/or help me if you think, that I am going wrong.

So I start the discussion with a question - When you see someone begging on the street, what do you do?


Anonymous said...

In most cases I know them through our services , so I say hello. It does not hurt to buy a coffee and a sandwich. Maybe point them in the right direction re housing.
Conversation with Nottingham's homeless usually ends up discussing who has passed away recently and how. Sadly out living ones friends through extreme circumstances becomes a challenge and point of focus.
Not sure I can afford to feed the hundreds of homeless people due to hit our cities streets in the coming months though!!!!!

Sara Bull said...

Hi, thanks for the post.
I agree, I think to give someone the time day and speak to them does masses for their self esteem, makes them feel human and increases visibility. If you can afford a cup of tea and a sausage roll too, even better.
I am really dissappointed that the cuts are going to impact so badly on Nottinghams vulnerables.

Have you heard aboutr the march that is happening in London on the 26/03/11. There are free buses going from Notts. Give Unison a call.