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Tuesday 1 March 2011

I have been away - sorry.

I sit here tonight and write as a saddened person.
Today I met a young guy, intelligent, funny, compassionate, a father and  studying full time. I sat with him for a few hours talking about his plans for his future, his life so far and how he planned on nurtuing a relationship with his daughter who is a month old. We sat for a few hours whilst we waited for 2 local authority departments argue out who owed him the statutory duty that would stop him sleeping rough tomorrow night.
He is 16 - just.

This amazing young man with his whole life ahead him.
This amazing young man who is a part of this countries future.
This amazing young man who took the morning off school to tackle his homelessness.
This amazing young man who went back to school at 13:00 to go to his English lesson.

Full of hope.
Full of wonder.
Full of freedom.

As I sat there, I recieved the email about the closure of 2 potential services that could have been available to him.

In awe, hopeful, driven, passionate, free, humourous, intelligent, willing, determined and HOMELESS.

I cried today, I cried because I dont know what will happen to the 100 people on the services that I manage who will have to leave the service.
I cried because I can't be sure that that 16 year old CHILD will be alright.
I cried because I have seen a Nottingham City without effective services, where people were dying of being cold.
I cried because I look around me at the 100's of dedicated and committed workers who fight day in, day out for the rights of thier service users, who sat dumb struck at an email which informed of us the local authority's decision of which services to end for good!!
I cried beacause I care.

1 comment:

Pedro said...

It is so very sad.